Domain names can be transfered / pushed from one registrar to another with ease.
We offer domain name transfers from other registrars without any additional cost, You have to pay for the renewal only.
Below is a detailed and simple procedure on how to transfer your domain name
Step 1. You will need your domain password (EPP code/auth info) - this can be obtained from your current registrar.
Step 2. Go to our home page for domain search, and give the domain you wish to transfer, then click transfer button instead of Search, and continue placing order.
Step 3. Once you place the order with the correct EPP code, we will initiate the transfer and it takes exactly 48 hours for your domain name to become visible in your V4U Hosting client area. (A confirmation email is send to the current email, if you change the contact email while transfer, and user need to approve it to continue transfer).
Step 4. The transfer will cost you the same as the renewal of the domain and we add another year of renwal to your domain (Note: The existing renewal date/registration period gets carried over, i.e it stays the same).
Step 5. You do not need to inform your previous registrar that you have transfered away, as old registrar has no control over your domain anymore after successful transfer.